Web hosting is a service which provides space on a server connected to the internet in a datacenter. Uploading or creating your website on web hosting is what allows people around the world to visit your site on the internet. Ronels makes this process very straightforward, and very cost-effective. From just a few pounds a month, we provide a web hosting service for your website and emails, powered by the industry leading and easy to use cPanel control panel. This puts everything you need at your fingertips - whether you're uploading a new logo image for your website or creating a new mailbox or email forwarder.
Everything we sell is designed so you do not need to have any prior technical experience or knowledge. In terms of server management, we take care of it all. Whether you take our smallest Go web hosting plan, or if you go for a dedicated server, the systems are fully managed. Ultimately we manage everything up to your website.
Set up with Ronels is near-instant, and after ordering you should receive your welcome details within just a few minutes. This contains your hosting control panel (cPanel) details as well as other basic set up information such as nameservers for pointing your domain to Stablepoint. If you have ordered a domain name with us it will be registered immediately and will start working as soon as DNS has propagated (usually a few minutes, but sometimes can take a couple of hours). If you have a domain elsewhere you just need to change the nameservers on your domain with your domain registrar to point to Ronels. Instructions for this will be in your welcome email but if there's any problems or confusion at all please don't hesitate to get in touch.
On our web hosting plans we offer really high resource limits. This applies to disk space as well as bandwidth. On some packages we do not have any limits whatsoever. There are three reasons for this. First, we have invested a lot in our technology setup and designed it to scale. That means that we automate a lot of server configuration and management, reducing our overheads. Every single server we run for instance (thousands) is identically configured. That saving we pass on to you. Second, because we are cloud-based we can keep increasing resources. If a server is running out of physical disk space, we can attach new storage volumes. Third, it's generally simpler. We operate at such scale that we have enormous bandwidth commitments we can pass on. Provided that you use your web hosting for hosting websites and emails (and not, say, for backup storage) we will not limit your usage.
As long as your content is legal under UK, KENYA and US law (as well as the jurisdiction where you choose your web hosting) we will not restrict content. Our services are designed for hosting websites and email only. Specifically, you cannot use our hosting for: We specifically do not allow video "tube" sites (adult or otherwise) file or cloud backup services cryptography miners file sharing any directories of copyrighted content Feel free to raise a live chat with one of our representatives if you are unsure and we can happily assist.
Ronels is a 24/7 company which means we can offer true round-the-clock support on live chat, tickets and by telephone. Our teams operate in multiple locations around the world (Nairobi, London, Sofia, Bali) which gives us full coverage across 24 hours of the day. None of our staff need to work night shifts -- you will be speaking to a support engineer who is wide awake and excited to help!
Yes. We have a dedicated migrations team who will move your websites from your existing provider to Ronels. We would need access to your old hosting provider. Once you have placed an order for the hosting, please open a migration ticket in our client area.
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